Net pay calculator

Calculate your net salary

Calculate your net salary
Your net salary:


Employee Employer
Social insurance
Sickness insurance 1,4% / 1,4%
Old age insurance 4,0% / 14,0%
€16,18 €16,18
Disability insurance 3,0% / 3,0%
€16,18 €16,18
Unemployment insurance 1,0% / 1,0%
€16,18 €16,18
Guarantee fund 0% / 0,25%
Reserve fund 0% / 4,75%
Accident insurance 0% / 0,8%
Social insurance company - together 9,4% / 25,2%
€16,18 €16,18
Health insurance 4,0% / 11,0%
€16,18 €16,18
Levies (Total) 4,0% / 10,0%
€16,18 €16,18
Tax base (gross salary - levies - 381.61)
Tax bonus for children
Income tax 19%
Increased rate 25%
Gross wage €16,18
The price of work €16,18
Net salary €16,18

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